Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Shots, Binges, and a Declaration of War

Its been an busy week for the Knotted family. The Princess had her two year check-up and vaccinations. She did AMAZING when it came to the vaccination! Seriously, I put her on the table and held my breath. Everyone braced for the usual scream and flailing, but she just gave the two technicians a quizzical untrusting look. In went the needle and all she did was blink. Not a tear was shed. She even gave both of the technicians high fives before we left!

I am a self confessed Craft-a-holic. And sad to say not a very organized one at that. Our guest room, which is a catch all for a lot of things, looks like the Craft Fairy went on a bender and stopped by our house to sleep it off. The result being that the guest bed looks like she made a nest.

I've been slowly organizing the mound of supplies into something less resembling craft fairy vomit. My problem is that I like to raid the craft items in Goodwill. A lot of the time I find some really nice supplies for very, very cheap. The items may just be missing labels or tangled in a mass. I got a large amount of embroidery floss for 3$. Quite a bit of the floss is brand new, so compared to the 1$-3$ a single hank of brand new floss cost; I feel the time spent untangling it is worth it.

I did finish a jacket and matching hat for Princess ZaZa. The Jacket was not that hard to make even though I had a small issue with gauge and the sleeves are oddly shaped for my taste. But I think it turned out nicely. I added a liner to it because the Princess has very sensitive skin and I am worried that the knots rubbing against her could cause irritation.

Another big time suck for the past week and a half or so is the fact that we started trying to potty train the Princess. In "we" I mean me with snarky comments from Grumpy Daddy about how I'm doing it wrong thrown in. The start of this time honored tradition has lead to a no pants riot from the Princess which in turn caused a flare up in her eczema on her legs. Every time she would declare "poof", which is her word for he myriad of bodily functions that take place below the waist, we rush to the bathroom only to find that she had already "poofed". So we sit and wait to see if she has completely finished "poofing" and she sits happily scratching her legs. Hence eczema flare up. Then she would refuse to put a new Pull-Up on and run like a mad woman trying to escape the encasement of her behind.

 War was declared this morning by Princess ZaZa when she took her jammies and diaper off before waking me up by screaming "MAMA, DADA" a the butt crack of dawn (yes pun intended). She happily handed me said diaper. In negotiations with the toilet paper role, we have come to an uneasy truce. Princess ZaZa is not ready to be toilet trained just yet, but after regrouping and evaluating our strategies for a month or so we shale try to unravel the secrets of the toilet again.


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